Alnmouth is a caring community. It is also a community with an age profile heavily weighted towards the upper end. According to the 2011 Census around 40% of the Parish population was over 65; double the national average - and that was 9 years ago! Consequently, the village takes the threat of the Covid-19 virus very seriously.
Volunteer Support Groups
A number of support groups exist to assist those who may need help. These are being co-ordinated within Alnmouth, by:
- Susanne Gair - 01665 830323 / 07798 826891 /
Covid-19 Mutual Aid Alnmouth, Hipsburn & Lesbury Alice Good and Sally Wilson have establish a Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group. This is a national initiative and Lesbury and Hipsburn are also participating. If you want help, please contact Sally or Alice using the numbers below.
- Sally Wilson
- 07531 520127
- Alice Good
- 07786 175749
Facebook Group
PLEASE Do not be too embarrassed, stubborn or shy to ask for help.
Whether you need practical help or just a friendly voice at the end of the phone to talk to
- it is here for the asking!